unfortunately, a lot of the information on here will be outdated. the most up to date and accurate information can be found at the wiki and the guide.
the information here will continue to be served for a) backup/redundancy and b) archival.

privacy statement: the short version

This website has a Google Analytics script on every page.
Google Analytics collects quite a lot of detail, such as when you visited, your vague geographical location based on your IP, and where you've come from before this website.
I do not care about most of this information. I do not care what website referred you, I do not care where you are. I just want to see where the traffic is coming to on the website, and how much of it is coming from places outside Nintendo Homebrew.
I will not sell, steal, lease, transmit, pass on or otherwise do almost anything with the data received from Google Analytics.
I will not use your data, your referrer, or your accumulated Internet-wide advertising profile to market or advertise to you. I don't want your money, unless you want to give it to me.
I will not keep a copy of any data, however Google Analytics will cache your visit for 26 months.
Per the GDPR, I am unable to use any IP addresses or other collected information to identify you as a unique user, or "natural person". This is because all of the information I receive is "in aggregate" and cannot be boiled down to the individual user level. As such, I am not required to have one of those annoying popups telling you about cookies. But I do have this page.